Nearing Retirement | Case Study

Christopher, age 55

Primary Goal: Get a second opinion that he will be able to retire on his terms.

After a long and accomplished career in the technology industry, Christopher was ready to start thinking about retirement.

He currently holds a variety of investment accounts, including 401(k)’s from his employers, stocks from an ESPP, and multiple brokerage accounts.

Christopher has 2 adult children (one finishing up college) and 1 grandkid. Christopher lives modestly, owns his home and car outright, and looks forward to spending more time with his friends and family in retirement.

The Challenge

Christopher was pretty sure he had enough to retire but also hoped he could leave a legacy for his kids and grandkid.

He needed a better plan that would allow him to retire confidently and knew exactly where to go – a financial advisor.

The only problem was Christopher was weary of advisors after dealing with an overly-salesy advisor a few years back who did not have Christopher’s best interest in mind.

The Approach

After meeting with a few financial advisors in his area, Christopher knew he wanted to work with an advisor carrying the Certified Financial Professional title and that was located in his area.

Once sitting down with Legacy Wealth Planning, his goals were clearly documented and a personalized plan was starting to come to fruition. And most importantly, he felt heard and not sold to.

The Results

In collaboration with Christopher’s CPA, he was able to:

If this sounds like you, consider reaching out to the Legacy Wealth Planning team to see how we could help you!

Note: The above case studies are hypothetical and do not involve an actual Legacy Wealth Planning client. No portion of the content should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience the same or certain level of results or satisfaction if Legacy Wealth Planning is engaged to provide investment advisory services.