The Cornerstone Late June 2012 “Me, Inc.” CEOs and Presidents of companies call the shots and get the credit and a big paycheck when things go well. They also shoulder the blame when things don’t go well. In retirement, everyone becomes CEO of “Me, Inc” and are suddenly responsible for their own and sometimes their spouse’s destiny, even if they have no experience. The value of years of labor and dependence on the capital saved becomes readily apparent. There is a new challenge in making difficult and life affecting decisions on their own that is both exhilarating and frightening. It’s kind of like being on a roller-coaster or facing down a charging elephant on the African Plains. Wow….Africa… So how can we help? First, we can help you get in touch with your inner CEO by helping you create a clear, articulate vision of what retirement can be and then guide you through a disciplined process. First, to determine if it’s feasible, and then what it will take to get there and stay there. In some cases, your vision will have to be refocused – depending on the realities of finances, health, family obligations, and other factors. We start with the necessities and then move up: Costs for food, housing, taxes, fuel and electricity are all items we cannot do without. Medical costs are often overlooked because we are currently healthy and it doesn’t come to mind. Vacations? You bet, but where, how long and how much will they cost? Hobbies, dining out, entertainment, money to charities…. You can see where this is going, but this is basic budgeting and if you have never done it, this is the time to start. Now that you have generated a reasonable vision for your company, you need to manage the finances. Reviewing the cash flow, tracking guaranteed income such as Social Security and Pensions, accessing emergency funds (no, a golf game at Tahoe is not an emergency), and reviewing your investments must be done regularly. You’re thinking: “Can I go relax now?” No, not quite yet – have you looked at your 401k lately? We’re frequently asked – “Do you guys only do investments? Well I think the answer is pretty clear – in addition to helping you manage your assets, our job is to look ahead and try to see the road bumps before they’re here and help all our clients, even the ones not yet retired to create their vision. That’s why we ask you tons of annoying questions and send these letters. So please call us when you want to become CEO of “Me, Inc. –we’re in the business of visions. Thank you for your patience – I hope you’re having a wonderful summer and as always – Thank you for your business. Phil The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. * Stock investing involves risk including loss of principal.