Small Business Spotlight: Just Gingie Snaps

March 16th, 2023 by Legacy Wealth Planning

Just Gingie Snaps

Northern Nevada Adventure Photographer

1. What inspired you to start your own business?

I have always wanted the ability to control my schedule. My family is always my priority and starting my own business, as busy as I know it can be, does allow me the most control to spend the most time with my family. 

2. What inspires your work and what sets you apart from everyone else?

My work is inspired by love, adventure, and authenticity – and the way that I offer sessions is what sets me apart. The experience is the biggest aspect of what sets me apart. It is always my goal to show people what others see, not what society pushes us to see. I love telling love stories whether that be of a couple who has been married for years or just starting out, the love between a dog and their human, or the self-love journey that many people are on over the course of their lives. This is why I focus mostly on candid imagery that is lightly posed and then genuine emotions come from the very heartfelt discussions we have along the way.  

3. What is your background and how did you develop the skills to start your business?

When attending UNR, I received a minor degree in photography while achieving my bachelor’s degree in Business Management. To be honest, though, neither of those things prepared me or gave me the skills to start my own business. I have constantly been consuming tutorials, learning by trial and error, and I kept on being inspired by other photographers. 

4. What has been your biggest challenge?

Starting. I am very vocal about the fact that I live with multiple mental illness diagnoses (I also run a mental health advocacy/peer support group called Stigma Stops Now). Among my diagnosis is ADHD, which has a variety of symptoms that pose very big roadblocks to my day to day functionality – which makes starting my own business daunting at the very least. Starting has been my biggest challenge and my biggest success. And on the more neurotypical scale of things – it’s just outright scary to start to wade into self-employment. So the fact that I’m doing it anyways, doing it scared, has also been one of my biggest successes out of the challenge.

5. Describe your typical work day.

My typical work day involves being a mom all day long, and hopefully getting some of my to-do items done in stolen moments like nap time and after bed. When I do have a solid block of time carved out to dedicate to “working” I usually take my laptop to a local coffee shop and hack away at whatever is on my list for that day.

6. Which small businesses are you inspired by?

Like any other photographer, it’s the work of other photographers that inspires me. Currently, my biggest inspirations have been Henry Tieu and The Pinckards (who are not local to the Reno/Tahoe area) and a variety of photographers here in Carson City who often lift me up and cheer for me from the sidelines. 

7. If you could go back to the beginning knowing what you know now, what would you have
done differently?

I wish that I knew how to better set boundaries from the start. I could have avoided so much burnout by knowing when to say no to the things that didn’t serve me or my business or the direction that I wanted to go.

8. What’s your best advice for someone who wants to start their own business?

Full. Send. It’s scary, and that feeling doesn’t ever go away. You’ll always be scared of what is around the corner and whether or not you’ll succeed. My best advice is, if you are sure you want it and it is something you’re passionate about, do it scared. 

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